Charming rental - Guest house - Drôme Provençale


Price based on a stay of one week (7 nights) from 2 to 5 people

Low season
(school holidays excluded)
Middle season
from 30 April to 1st July - 3 September to 1st October
and school holidays
High season
from 2 July to 2 September
1120 € 1260 € 1610 €

Local Daily Tax per person per night 1.40 €.

Services and options 

Bed linen and bath towels furnished - Free access to internet via WIFI.

A caution of 500.00 € is to be paid on arrival at the “cottage”. Charges are included.
For the respect of our guests, we request you of not to smoke in the cottage.
An advance payment of 30 % of the total stay will be required and only confirm the reservation.
No refund will be made in case of cancellation.
Arrival from 3pm Departure from 11 am.
Common swimming pool with its owners.

Language spoken: French, English and Spanish.

Request for reservation or information

This form is an application for reservation or information. Please fill in all the spaces so we can register you application the best we can. Thank you.

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Your stay